Last August we went on a school trip to visit the historical cities in Minas Gerais. The first city we went to was Ouro Preto, known for its colonial architecture. The second place was Mariana, known as the largest producer of gold. Tiradentes was one of the cities that produced most of the gold in Brazil, because of that the village has developed becoming a city. Congonhas Do Campo has the most famous sculptures of the artist “Alejadinho".

sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2010

The best moments

The best moments of the journey to Minas Gerais was in the church where there was a light show, because we learnt a lot and had fun at the same time.
Another special moment, which got everybody emotinal, was when we visited Tião Painera who is an artist who makes pottery in his atelier .
Tião Painera
A moment that we also liked a lot was when the guide explained to us the seven sacred moments in the life of Christ, showing each statue in the chapel, and the statues were made of wood and sculpted by Aleijadinho with the help of other artists because he was already ill.
These masterpieces are really very beautiful.

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